Tourist zones

Gracias Possess many places of concern, in order to be able to do tourism and to have a good time of nature and his inhabitants' hospitlidad, within the places of concern counts :

- historic helmet very well preserved.
- three colonial churches located downtown: St. Sebastián, Mercy and St. Mark.
- hot springs, deposits of thermal waters conditioned, with temperatures that oscillate between the 35 Grades He Counts On to St. Copán's Rosa two places, one located southeast of Gracias and other at road.

- fortress San Cristóbal, where you find Juan Lindo's tomb.
- the Montaña Celaque, the higher peak in Honduras, Cerro The Mines, 2,849 msnm it is characterized for his cloudy forest and his riches in flora and fauna, it is also national heritage of Honduras and it is where you find the Parque Nacional Celaque, that you house a great biodiversidad of plants and animals. Celaque lenca means in tongue water tank.

Several small communities, which count on the indigenous concentration bigger of Honduras, exist specially of the Lencas around Gracias. Between these towns stroke of ball mentioning give them Camps To Her, famous for his production of potteries and the altarpieces of his church; St. Manuel Colohete, with a beautiful colonial church, and Erandique, than preserve varied indigenous traditions.
The population of Gracias's city dedicates itself to agriculture and cattle raising primarily. The importance has of late years increased in tourism.

Important dates; His labor Fair the December 13 Santa Lucía's day. The April 25 San Marcos's day, The July 20 the Cacique Lempira Héroe Nacional's day.

We are located to downtown 1.5Km in the national park Celaque's skirts. Neighborhood Mejicapa, road circunvalación, in front of the iglesia Santa Lucía.
Telephones: (504)2656-1659 (504)9962-5704